Lofalk Advokatbyrå has extensive experience in assisting companies in financial difficulties. The firm has successfully acted as advisor or administrator in company reorganisations and receiver in insolvency matters ranging from small private entities to large multinational corporations.
Injections of liquidity and new financing are often vital elements in successfully turning distressed companies around. Thanks to our extensive contact network among Swedish and foreign banks, funds, institutions and financial advisers, we are able to act promptly and evaluate the prospects of raising additional financing. We are, however, entirely independent and unaffiliated with any financial institution.
A large number of parties, including clients and suppliers, play a vital role in the success of a company reorganisation and we appreciate the need for adequate communication with all parties involved – as well as the media – in order for a reorganisation process to be successful. At Lofalk we are experienced in managing this aspect of a company reorganisation procedure.
Our field of work is broad and we enjoy working where there are challenges, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to international industrial groups and in many different industries such as the automotive industry (SAAB Automobile AB), paper (Klippan AB), mining and other industry and retail.
Lofalk Advokatbyrå was founded in 2006 by Guy Lofalk as the first Swedish niche law firm focusing on assisting companies in financial difficulties. The firm is governed by, and complies with, the ethics, rules and regulations prescribed by the Swedish Bar Association.